June Is Busting Out All Over: Looks like the word is out. I am not sitting on my hands nor is anyone else. The Services Manager at ABD (Ability Beyond Disability) called to let me know she is hard at work. A lady after my own heart, she informed me that she likes to get things done sooner than later and has a tentative vocational schedule for our daughter already in place, starting the first week in July. Once the fireworks subside, we hit the ground running, or in curent parlance, “boots on the ground.” The search for residential staffing has begun and includes an open house at ABD to introduce staff to the new “residential program,” i.e. our daughter’s future home.
Adjusting My Mindset: In only 24 hours the mindset is changing. I was gearing up for a major scramble, searching settings and chatting up vets and shelter managers. But apparently much of this work will be done by the vocational team. Whoa. As a special needs parent, one is accustomed to advocating and efforting. The notion that others will do much of the work is lovely, simply lovely. Of course, all “special connections” are welcomed but the staff are skilled at approaching settings that might be appropriate for their “clients.” Super.
The Apartment: We are waiting for a 2-bedroom in the complex on Main Street. However, the report from the housing market today indicates that folks are renting more than building or buying because no one is selling. Makes me think that an available apartment in the desired complex is more of a challenge than anticipated. Fingers crossed that something will come up in the next several weeks. If not, we will stretch our search to apartment complexes a bit further from the center of town.
The Other Mother: Oddly enough, I haven’t spoken with the other mother in several weeks. I know she is busy working and that her daughter comes home tomorrow. Once both girls are in town, they will be involved in some programming together prior to sharing housing, which should enhance bonding, smooth the transition and provide opportunities to observe their social dynamic. I begin to see patches of this crazy quilt of a future coming together. Years in the making, et voila, it is here.
©Jill Edelman, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. 2011
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